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Meetings for Social Scrutiny Committee

DateWednesday 11 July 2001
LocationCommittee Room 1 , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton

All Members of the Committee are invited to attend a pre- meeting briefing which will be held at 9am.

Item Subject
1Apologies for Absence
2Consideration of the Items in Parts 1 and 2 of the agenda
3Minutes of the meeting held on 13th June ,2001
Minutes of 13/6/01
4The Education of Children Looked After by the Local Authority
Education of Children Looked After by the Local Authority o
Workplan as at 11/7/01
6Promoting Independence : Carers Special Grant Plan , 2001/02
Carers Special Grant Plan 2001/02
7Personal Social Services - User Survey ,2001
Personal Social Services User Survey 2001
8Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service
Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service
9Services to Schools / Fair Funding Review - Progress
Progress on Best Value reviews
10Any Other Business
11Exclusion of the Public ( as there are no Part 2 Items this may not be appropriate)
12Any Other Business
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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