Date | Monday 26 November 2007 |
Time | 6.00pm |
Location | Mesne Lea Primary School, Henniker Street, Walkden |
Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.
Item | Subject |
1 | Welcome and Introductions Guidance for Meetings |
2 | Apologies for Absence |
3 | Call for Community Issues |
4 | To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Little Hulton/Walkden Community Committee held on 24th September, 2007, and address matters arising Minutes 24/09/07 |
5 | To note the minutes of the meeting of the Little Hulton/Walkden Political Executive Group, held on 25th October, 2007, and address matters arising Minutes 25/10/07 |
6 | To note the minutes of the meeting of the Highways Devolved Budget and Road Safety Sub-Group, held on 8th November, 2007, and address matters arising Minutes 08/11/07 |
7 | Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour - Update |
8 | Community Issues |
8A | Sports Development |
8B | Youth Services |
9 | Peel Park Masterplan - Update |
10 | Ranger Service: Recent and Planned Activity |
11 | Draft Community Action Plan for 2008/09 Draft Community Action Plan for 2008/09 |
12 | Building Schools for the Future - Programme and Consultation Update |
13 | Decisions of the Little Hulton/Walkden Budget Sub-Group held on Monday, 12th November, 2007 Decisions of the Budget Sub Group 12/11/07 |
14 | Positive Action Press Statements |
15 | Items for Community Committee - 28th January, 2008 |
16 | Items for Information Only |
16a | Employment and Skills |
17 | Any Other Business of an Urgent Nature |
18 | Date of Next Meeting - 28th January, 2008 - Sure Start Children's Centre, Longshaw Drive, Little Hulton |
Contact officer | Nikki Park |
Title | Senior Committee Administrator |
Telephone | (0161) 793 3135 |
Fax | (0161) 793 3160 | |