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Meetings for Little Hulton / Walkden Community Committee

DateMonday 26 November 2007
LocationMesne Lea Primary School, Henniker Street, Walkden

Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.

Item Subject
1Welcome and Introductions
Guidance for Meetings
2Apologies for Absence
3Call for Community Issues
4To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Little Hulton/Walkden Community Committee held on 24th September, 2007, and address matters arising
Minutes 24/09/07
5To note the minutes of the meeting of the Little Hulton/Walkden Political Executive Group, held on 25th October, 2007, and address matters arising
Minutes 25/10/07
6To note the minutes of the meeting of the Highways Devolved Budget and Road Safety Sub-Group, held on 8th November, 2007, and address matters arising
Minutes 08/11/07
7Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour - Update
8Community Issues
8ASports Development
8BYouth Services
9Peel Park Masterplan - Update
10Ranger Service: Recent and Planned Activity
11Draft Community Action Plan for 2008/09
Draft Community Action Plan for 2008/09
12Building Schools for the Future - Programme and Consultation Update
13Decisions of the Little Hulton/Walkden Budget Sub-Group held on Monday, 12th November, 2007
Decisions of the Budget Sub Group 12/11/07
14Positive Action Press Statements
15Items for Community Committee - 28th January, 2008
16Items for Information Only
16aEmployment and Skills
17Any Other Business of an Urgent Nature
18Date of Next Meeting - 28th January, 2008 - Sure Start Children's Centre, Longshaw Drive, Little Hulton
Contact officer Nikki Park
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3135
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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