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Meetings for Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee

DateWednesday 23 January 2008
LocationCommittee Room

Briefing for members only at 12.00noon (Sandwiches provided)

Item Subject
1Public Question time
2Apologies for absence
3Do members have an interest to declare in any of the agenda items?
4NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGEMENT. Introductory comments by Cllr Joe Murphy, Lead Member for Neighbourhoods.
4aPresentation by Brian Wroe - Asst Director, Community Services. Summary and overview of the neighbourhood management structure and process, including recent changes that have been made and the impact that this is hoped to schieve in relation to service delivery for residents in Salford.
4bDiscussion to take place on the following areas. A brief overview to be given iintially by Brian to be followed by a discussion with those present - Publicity, Marketing and the Communications process - Devolved budgets/participatory budgeting. - Getting partners to take a lead. - Community engagement. How effective is this ? Salford has been asked to be one of the 18 empowering authorities. - The role of local councillors. - Community development. - Local scrutiny. - Achievements and awards. - Neighbourhood management - helping to reduce crime, improve health, enhance the environment and much more. Has it made a difference? - Any issues not covered. Do scrutiny need to monitor any issues raised?
5Forward Plan
6Work programme
7Report from previous meeting
Report arising from 28 November, 2007
Contact officer Linda Sharples
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3324
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