Date | Monday 28 April 2008 |
Time | 2.00pm |
Location | A Committee Room |
Please note: There will be a short pre-meeting for members only at 1.30pm.
Item | Subject |
1 | Apologies for absence |
2 | Do Members have an interest to declare in any of the agenda items? |
3 | Questions from Members of the Public - should anybody wish to submit a question for the committee's consideration, please contact the officer named below. |
4 | 2.00pm - Stress Initiatives. David Horsler and Jackie Winn. Progress made with directorates stress audits and initiatives taken to reduce stress related absence. On behalf of Children's Services Jackie to provide an overview of initiatives, stress questionnaires analysis and control measures. report attached. Stress Initiatives |
5 | 2.45pm - Complaints. Anthony Rich. Following the consideration of the computerised complaints procedure, officers to provide an update on the work of the complaints officer network to drive system improvements, including the way reports are linked to scrutiny. Report to follow. Complaints Report |
6 | 3.30pm - Sundry Debtors. Geoff Topping. Annual Update and write offs. Report attached. Sundry Debtors Report |
7 | Report from the previous meeting - Attached. 7.1. Community, Health and Social Care structure requested at February meeting - Attched. Appendix 1 Report from previous meeting |
8 | Work programme - Attached Work programme |
9 | Forward Plan - e-mailed to members |
10 | The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 27 May 2008 |
11 | Any other business |