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Meetings for Customer and Support Services Scrutiny Committee

DateTuesday 27 May 2008
LocationA Committee Room

There will be a short pre-meeting for members only at 1.30pm

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Do members have an interest to declare in any of the agenda items?
3Election of vice chair.
4Questions from Members of the public - should anybody wish to submit a question for the committee's consideration, please contact the officer named below.
52.00pm - Attendance Management. 5.1 Members to monitor the city councils attendance management figures on a 6 monthly basis. Report attached. 5.2 - That the Council investigates how sickness is being recorded for those who work part time or reduced hours and the impact that this is having on the sickness levels recorded for the authority - Discussion. Geoff Topping. Kathy Evans
Attendance Management
62.40pm - Procurement - Update taking into consideration equality and diversity policies including the possible cost to the council if we fail to meet the standards for the DDA act. Members to be updated on the cost of mobile phones and if Directories are adhering to the criteria. Report attached. Gary Amos, Sarah Farmer, Cllr Hinds
73.15pm - Council Tax - 7.1 - Following on from the November meeting, members to receive a year end report on council tax collection and an update on the success of the various initiatives implemented. Report attached. 7.2 - Officers to provide an overview of benefits quality control, benefits fraud and benefits overpayment recovery. Reports attached. Janet McGrail, Stephen Fryer.
Council Tax
Appendix A
Council Tax
8Report from the previous meeting - Atttached 8.1 Complaint Officer List - Attached
Complaint Officer List
Report from previous meeting
9Work programme - Attached
Work programme
10Forward Plan - e-mailed to members.
11The next meeting will be held on Monday 23 June 2008
12Any other business
Contact officer Karen Lucas
Title Principal Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3318
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