Date | Monday 20 October 2008 |
Time | 12.00pm |
Location | In a Committee Room |
Please note Members briefing commences at 12.00pm. A buffet will be provided. The coach will be departing at 1.30 from the civic centre.
Item | Subject |
1 | Apologies for absence |
2 | Do Members have an interest to declare in any of the agenda items? |
3 | Questions from members of the public - should anybody wish to submit a question for the committee's consideration, please contact the officer named below |
4 | 12.30pm - Climate Change - Officers will provide an overview of the climate change targets on the LAA and the projects and partnerships to be established. Nick Lowther, Will Horsfall, Jim Gosney and Wayne Priestley. |
5 | 1.30pm - Visits - Transport Provided. |
6 | Work Programme - attached. Work Programme |
7 | Forward plan - e-mailed to members. |
8 | Report from September meeting - attached. Notes from last meeting |
9 | Any other business. |
10 | Next meeting will be held on Monday 17 November 2008. |
Contact officer | Karen Lucas |
Title | Principal Democratic Services Advisor |
Telephone | 0161 793 3318 | |