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Sign in or register for an accountDate | Tuesday 14 April 2009 |
Time | 6.00pm |
Location | The Salford Suite , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton |
1. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting <b>2. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.<br>
Item | Subject |
1 | Open Forum The meeting will commence with an open forum at which those present can raise matters of concern The Neighbourhood Manager will seek a response from appropriate agencies. Members of the Committee may wish to raise any matters not on the agenda .( 30 Minutes have been allowed for this item ) |
2 | Membership of the Committee At the Bi-Election on 19th March , 2009, Councillor John Ferguson was elected to represent the Pnedlebury Ward |
3 | Police Issues |
4 | Apologies for Absence |
5 | Minutes of the meeting held on 10th February , 2009 Minutes of the meeting held on 10th February , 2009 |
6 | Matters Arising |
7 | Activities of the Salford Royal Trust A member of the Salford Royal Trust 's Executive team along with their Public Governor for the area will make a 10/15 minute presentation on the Activities of the Trust with a view to developing joint working with the Community Committee |
8 | Update on the LIVIA Project Andy Glover from the Forestry Commission will attend to give an update |
9 | Presentation on the Results of Love Your Neighbourhood WeeK The Neighbourhood Manger will report Presentation on the Results of Love Your Neighbourhood WeeK |
10 | Update on Highways Budget The Neighbourhood Manger will report Update on Highways Budget |
11 | Youth Update The Neighbourhood Manger will report |
12 | Budget Sub - Group The Committee is asked to (a) consider the recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 31st March , 2009 ; and (b)note the enclosed financial position statement as at 23rd March , 2009 . recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 31st March , 2009 financial position statement as at 23rd March , 2009 . |
13 | Items for Information |
14 | Good News Items |
15 | Arrangements for Next Meeting The next meeting of the Community Committee will be held at 6pm on 9th June , 2009 in the Salford Suite at the Salford Civic Centre on Chorley Road. |
Contact officer | Dave Cunningham |
Title | Senior Committee Administrator |
Telephone | (0161) 793 3008 |
Fax | (0161) 793 3160 | |