Date | Wednesday 28 January 2009 |
Time | 7.30pm |
Location | Worsley Courthouse Worsley |
Item | Subject |
1 | Welcome and Introductions. |
2 | Apologies for Absence. |
3 | To agree as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 25th and 26th November and 2nd December 2009. Minutes of 26th November 2008. Minutes of 2nd December 2008 Minutes of 25th November, 2008. |
4 | To consider the action sheet. |
5 | Community Issues |
6 | Community Safety. |
7 | Arrangements for future meetings - consideration to be given to an earlier start tiem of 7.00pm. |
8 | Budget Group, |
8a | Financial Position Statement. |
8b | Applications for Grant. |
9 | Sports Development Presentation. |
10 | Primary Care Trust |
11 | Schools Consultations. |
12 | Core Strategy. |
13 | Neighbourhood Management Issues. |
14 | Political Executive/Neighbourhood Partnership Board. |
15 | Information Items. |
16 | To note the next meeting will beheld on 25th March 2009 and the Agm on 27th May 2009. |
Contact officer | Lynne Slamon |
Title | Senior Committee Administrator |
Telephone | (0161) 793 3007 |
Fax | (0161) 793 3160 | |