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Meetings for East Salford Community Committee

DateThursday 11 June 2009
LocationChurch of the Nazarene , Great Clowes Street , Salford

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FROM 26TH MAY TO 11TH JUNE , 2009<br><br>1. An electronic version of this agenda is available on the Salford City Council website : 2. Large print copies of the papers contained in this agenda are available ; Members requiring such documents are asked to give notice in advance of the meeting . 3. Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and, if it is a prejudicial interest, withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item. 4 This meeting will fulfil the procedural requirements of the Annual General Meeting

Item Subject
1Procedural Matters

This meeting will fulfil the requirements of the Annual General Meeting . Members are asked , therefore to consider the enclosed procedural matters
Procedural Matters
2Apologies for Absence
3Minutes of the meeting held on 26th March , 2009
Minutes of the meeting held on 26th March , 2009
4Matters Arising
5Community Issues
6Nominations to serve on the New Deal for Communities Partnership Board
7Older People's Presentation
8Budget Sub - Group

The Committee is asked to (a) consider the recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 13th May , 2009 ; and (b)note the enclosed financial position statement as at 28th April, 2009 .
financial position statement as at 28th April, 2009 .
recommendations made by the Budget Sub Group at their meeting on 13th May , 2009
9Police Update
10Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Partnership ( SNAPS) Update
11Any Other Business of an Urgent Nature
12Date of Next Meeting : 6.30pm on 23rd July , 2009, at St. Sebastian's Community Centre, Douglas Green, Charlestown. Please contact the East Salford Neighbourhood Team on telephone number 708 9455 by no later than 13th July , 2009, if you require transport .
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