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View archived meeting

Meetings for Sustainable Regeneration Scrutiny

DateMonday 12 April 2010
LocationCommittee Room 2 Civic Centre, Swinton

Please note Site visit begins at 1pm we will meet back in the committee room after the visit.

Item Subject
1Site Visit to look at impact of Future Jobs Fund - 1pm pick up return to Civic at 2 ish.
2(Approx 2.15pm) - Apologies for Absence.
3Do Members have an interest to declare in any of the agenda items?
4Questions from members of the public.
5Worklessness & Future Jobs Fund -
6(Approx 3.30) Gateway to Salford - the development of the M602 / Regent Road roundabout.
7PART 2 ITEM - Salford Innovation Forum & Business Park
Salford Innovation Forum and Salford University Business Park
8Return to PART 1 - The Forward Plan.
Forward Plan April
9Report from the last meeting.
Report from previous meeting
10Work programme.
Work Programme April
11Any other business.
Contact officer Peter Kidd
Title Scrutiny Support Officer
Telephone 0161 793 3322
Fax 0161 794 2027
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