Date | Wednesday 26 May 2010 |
Time | 7.00pm |
Location | Worsley Courthouse, Worsley. |
A special Destination Worsley Forum meeting is being held on Tuesday 25 May 2010 at at the Novotel, Worsley to present options for the renovation of the Delph in Worsley.
Item | Subject |
1 | Welcome and Introductions. |
2 | Apologies for Absence. |
3 | To agree the Community Committee membership for the 2010/11 municipal year. |
4 | Election of Chair for the 2010/11 Municipal year. |
5 | Election of Deputy Chair for the 2010/11 Municipal year. |
6 | Appointment of Budget Sub Group for 2010/11. |
7 | To note the membership of the Task Groups. |
7a | Local Partnership Development Group. |
7b | Transportation Task Group. |
7c | Streetscene Task Group. |
7d | Children and Young People's Task Group. |
7e | Health Action Partnership. |
8 | To appoint a representative to serve on the Citywide Disability Forum. |
9 | To consider the Action Sheet and any matters arising including Chatsworth Road and WiFi. |
10 | Community Issues - any issues to be raised by the Community Committee. |
11 | Community Safety matters. |
12 | Streetscene Protocol and Update/Highways Devolved Budget. |
13 | Moorside/Dell update - Parking. |
14 | Destination Worsley/The Delph - Feedback. |
15 | Budget Group recommendations/ CCTV. |
16 | Building Better Neighbourhoods. |
17 | Information Items. |
17a | Salfordian. |
17b | Destination Worsley Minutes of 13 April 2010. |
17c | Working Group for the Health of Older People - Minutes of 12 April and 10 May 2010. |
17d | Local Partnership Delivery Group Minutes of 13 April 2010. |
17e | Date of next meeting - Wed 23 June 7pm. |
17f | Neighbourhood Partnership Board Action Sheet. |
Contact officer | Lynne Slamon |
Title | Senior Committee Administrator |
Telephone | (0161) 793 3007 |
Fax | (0161) 793 3160 | |