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View archived meeting

Meetings for Neighbourhoods Scrutiny

DateMonday 21 June 2010
LocationIn a committee room Salford Civic Centre, followed by a site visit in Swinton.

There will be a briefing for Members only at 1.00pm for 15 mins; prior to Urban Vision highway maintenance site visit.

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Declaration of interests for items on the agenda
3Questions from members of the public - should anybody wish to submit a question for the committee's consideration, please contact the officer named below.
41.15pm - Officer briefing outlining highways maintenance visit. Facilitated by Urban Vision.
51.45pm - Depart from civic centre to Westminster Road Swinton.Talk through of the inspection process and repair criteria of a pothole - question and answer session - Colin Sparrow. This will be followed by a pothole repair demonstration including a question and answer session - Allan Nadin. Return to civic centre.
63.20pm - Review of the work programme - attached.
Work Programme
7Forward plan - attached.
Forward Plan
8Report from the May'10 scrutiny committee - attached.
Action Sheet
9Any other business.
10Next meeting will be held on Monday 20 September 2010 (please note there will not be a meeting in July or August 2010).
Contact officer Karen Lucas
Title Principal Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3318
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