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Meetings for East Salford Community Committee

DateThursday 30 September 2010
LocationThe School Hall, St Thomas' RC Primary School, Hadfield Street, Broughton, M7 4XG
Item Subject
1Approval of Community Committee voting members
2Apologies for absence
3To approve as a correct record the minutes from the last meeting held on 22nd July, 2010
Action sheet from the last meeting held on 22.07.10
4Matters arising from the minutes and action list
Action sheet from the last meeting held on 22.07.10
5Budget Sub Group recommendations
Budget Sub-Group recommendations 01.09.10
6Community Issues
7Community Committee Neighbourhood planning anf the role of the Neighbourhood Partnership Board.
8Structures af Community/Council and Partners Engagement
Community structure
9Election of Local Partnership Delivery Group
LPDG nomination form
Description of the role of the LPDG
10Highways Task Group feedback
Highways update
11GMP update
12Any other business
13Date and time of the next meeting - 25th November, 2010 at 6.30 p.m.
Contact officer Leanne Nealon
Title Democratic Services Officer
Telephone 0161 793 3015
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