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View archived meeting

Meetings for Neighbourhoods Scrutiny

DateMonday 20 December 2010
LocationIn a Committee Room

Please note the time change - this meeting will start at 2.30 with a briefing for Members only at 2.00pm

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence.
2Declaration of interests for items on the agenda.
3Questions from members of the public - should anybody wish to submit a question for the committee's consideration, please contact the officer named below.
42.30pm - Supporting People Strategy - monitoring of actions against the objectives.Glyn Meacher - Senior Manager (Policy and Services). Sarah Clayton - Head of Service (Strategy and Enabling).
Supporting People Programme
5Work programme
Work Programme
6Forward plan
Forward Plan
7Report from the last meeting
Action Sheet
8Any other business.
9The next meeting will be held on Monday 17 January 2011; commencing at 1pm with a Members briefing. Members will have the opportunity to consider the Local Neighbourhood Charters for Winton and Patricroft. Representatives from the local resident associations involved in agreeing the charters will be invited to the meeting.Please note the meeting will be held at Eccles Town Hall.
Contact officer Karen Lucas
Title Principal Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3318
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