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Meetings for Ordsall and Langworthy Community Committee

DateTuesday 11 January 2011
LocationLark Hill Primary School, Liverpool Street, Salford, M5 4BJ

If you need assistance travelling to Lark Hill Primary School, please contact Ross Spanner on 0161 603 4090.

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2To approve as a correct record the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday, 2nd November, 2010.
2nd November, 2010
3Matters arising
4Community Committee priorities 2011 - Ross Spanner
5Langworthy SNAP, find out about activities in Seedley and Pendleton, week commencing 24th January, 2011 - Ross Spanner
6Ordsall and Langworthy Volunteer Programme - Sue Bowen
72011 Census, why it is important and support for people in completing the form - Anita Boothman
8Make it your MediaCityUK, information, people and jobs - Jane Deane and Alison Burnett
9MediaCityUK, how your community can be involved with enjoying your new space - Hayley Matthews
10Highways Budget including pedestrian crossing on Trafford Road/Broadway - Ross Spanner
11Relocation of the Quays progress report - Mike Arnold
12Better Communities 'Kite Mark' will you support this community cohesion initiative? Ross Spanner
13Budget Sub Group
Budget Sub Group recommedations 14th December, 2010
14Any other business
15Items for information
Pendleton Neighbourhood Panel 2nd September, 2010
Ordsall Community Forum agenda 16th November, 2010
Dates for Ordsall community Forum 2011
Healthy Community Collaborative project
Pendleton Neighbourhood Panel 29th July, 2010
Ordsall Community forum minutes 12th October, 2010
Broadwalk Partnership minutes 8th November, 2010
Unlimited Potential
16Date and time of the next meeting - Tuesday, 1st March, 2011 at 6.45 p.m.
Contact officer Leanne Nealon
Title Democratic Services Officer
Telephone 0161 793 3015
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