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Meetings for Neighbourhoods Scrutiny

DateMonday 16 July 2012
LocationCommittee room, Salford Civic Centre.

Members attending this meeting with a personal interest in an item on the agenda must disclose the existence and nature of that interest and if it is a prejudicial one withdraw from the meeting room during the discussion and voting on the item.

Item Subject
2Declarations of interest.
3Questions from members of the public.
4Update in respect of the protocol for managing unauthorised encampments in practice and any impact the closure of Salford Magistrates Court on the eviction process.
5Work programme.
Work programme - July 2012
6Forward plan.
Forward plan - July 2012
7Minutes arising from June committee.
8Any other business.
Contact officer Karen Lucas
Title Principal Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3318
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