View archived meeting

Meetings for Quality and Performance Scrutiny Committee

DateMonday 23 September 2002
LocationA Committee Room, Salford Civic Centre

Please note the earlier start time. The meeting will also be preceeded by a briefing for Members only commencing at 1.00 PM.

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Declarartions of Interest
3Consideration of Items in Parts I and II
4Part II - Exclusion of the Public
6Part I - Re-admittance of the Public
7Minutes of Meetings held on 24th June and 2nd September, 2002 (2.00 PM)Theminutes of the meeting held on 24th June, 2002 were approved as a correct record at the meeting held on 2nd September, 2002,and are included on the agenda for this meeting for information only.
24th June, 2002
2nd September, 2002
8Action Sheet arising from meeting held on 24th June, 2002 (2.05 PM)
Action Sheet Arising from Meeting held on 24th June, 2002
9Salford Advance Presentation (2.10 PM)
10Sundry Debtors Quarterly Monitoring Report - Analysis of Outstanding Debt as at August 2002 (2.50 PM)
Sundry Debtors - Exec Summary
Sundry Debtors
11Corporate Services Best Value Performance Indicators 2002/03 (3.05 PM)
Corporate Services BVPI'S 2002/03 - Exec Summary
Corp Services BVPI's 2002/03 - Appx B
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx D
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx F
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx A
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx C
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx E
Corp Services BVPI's - Appx G
12Chief Executives Presonnel and Performance Best Value Performance Indicators 2002/03 (3.50 PM)
Chief Execs Personnel & Performance BVPI's - Corporate Health Indicators 2002/03
Chief Execs Personnel & Performance BVPI's - Appx B
Chief Execs Personnel & Performance BVPI's 2002/03 - Appx A
Chief Execs BVPI's 2002/02 - Appx C
13Procurement - Update (4.05 PM)(To follow/be tabled)
14Quality and Performance Committee Audit Function - Format of Future Meetings (4.35 PM)
Quality & Performance Scrutiny Committee - Audit Function
15Workplan 2002/03 and Future Issues (4.45 PM)
Quality & Performance Scrutiny Committe Workplan 2002/03 (Sept 02)
16Any other business of an urgent nature (5.00 PM)
16aTreasury Management 2001/02 & 2002/03
Treasury Management 2001/02 & 2002/03 Appxs 1,2 &3
Treasury Management 2001/02 & 2002/03
17Part II - Exclusion of the Public
18Any other business of an urgent nature
Contact officer Mike Relph
Title Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Telephone 0161 793 3013
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