View archived meeting

Meetings for Little Hulton / Walkden Community Committee

DateMonday 7 October 2002
LocationOne Stop Shop, Longshaw Drive, Little Hulton
Item Subject
1Apologies for Absence
2To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Little Hulton/Walkden Community Committee held on 29th July, 2002
Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Committee held on 29th July, 2002
3Matters Arising
4Community Issues
5Employment and Regeneration Partnership
6Sure Start
7The Future of the Bandstand at Parr Fold Park, Walkden
8Burglary Reduction
9Introduction to Community Enterprise
10Community Action Plan
11Crime and Disorder Update
12Decisions of the Budget Group held on 11th September, 2002
Minutes of the Budget Panel held on 11th September, 2002
13Budget Statement
14Minutes of the Political Executive Group held on 15th August, 2002
Minutes of the Political Executive Group held on 15th August, 2002
15Positive Action Press Statements
16Items for Community Committee - 25th November, 2002
17Any other business of an urgent nature
Contact officer Nikki Park
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3135
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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