Date | Tuesday 10 December 2002 |
Time | 7.00pm |
Location | Committee Room 4, Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road , Swinton |
Item | Subject |
1 | Apologies for absence |
2 | Membership of the Committee : B J Lea is no longer a governor at Swinton High School and , hence, will not continue as a Member of this Committee . He has asked for his best wishes to be passed onto the Committee.Julie McKinnon has been apppointed Neighbourhood Co-Ordinator for Swinton. Former Neighbourhood Co-Ordinator , Linda Youd, and Acting Neighbourhood Co-Ordinator , Anglea Every , will attend the meeting to say goodbye. |
3 | Minutes of the meeting held on 8th October,2002 Mins of 081002 |
4 | Matters Arising : Minute 59 - an officer of the Development Services Directorate will attend to allow Members to express opinions on the proposed development of the Bethell Site for incorporation into the report on the planning application. |
5 | Officer Delegation in respect of Planning Applications Planaps - Officer del |
6 | Primary School Review Primary School R/V Rpt PS Review - timetable |
7 | Salford Community Venture : Role of Community Entreprise : the Committee will receive a short presentation |
8 | Salford City Learning Centres : the Committee will receive a short presentation CLC |
9 | Budget Sub Group : to consider recommendations of the Sub Group held on 25/11/02. Funding of approximately £7,000 has been secured for Youth Action Key Activities. As this must be spent by 31/3/03 , Members are asked to submit applications to the Director of Community & Social Services as a matter of urgency. Details of the criteria for projects is attached . Criteria Budget Sub Group 251102 |
10 | Swinton Festival Co- Ordinator : update on progress in filling the post |
11 | UDP UDP |
12 | Future of the Payment Centre in Swinton : The Area Co-Ordinator will make a verbal report. Counter Services |
13 | Items for Information |
14 | Any Other Business AOB 101202 |
15 | Date of next meeting : 7pm on Tuesday ,11/2/03 |
Contact officer | Dave Cunningham |
Title | Senior Committee Administrator |
Telephone | (0161) 793 3008 |
Fax | (0161) 793 3160 | |