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View archived meeting

Meetings for Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee

DateWednesday 4 December 2002
LocationA Committee Room , Salford Civic Centre , Chorley Road, Swinton

The Committee will be preceded by a briefing meeting to which all Members are invited at 1.30pm

Item Subject
1Apologies for absence
2Consideration of items in Parts 1 & 2 of the agenda
3Declarations of Interest
4Minutes of the meetings held on 4th & 6th November,2002, and associated Action Sheet
Mins of 041102
Action sheet 041202
Mins of 6/11/02
5Public Consultation on the Establishment of the Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health NHS Trust
Consultation Doc - est of B,S&TMHT
6Salford Community Health Council : A presentation will be given by Chris Dabbs - Chief Officer of the CHC and Sandra Dutson - Chair of the CHC - on the issues considered recently by the CHC , potential areas for the coming year and any lessons learnt.
7Training / Information Requirements. As requested at the last meeting a discussion will be held on Member Training / Information requirements . Members are asked , therefore , to identify at the meeting those areas where they feel they would benefit from receiving further information or training .
Workplan 041202
9Forward Plan
Forward Plan 041202
10Any Other Business in Part 1 of the agenda
11if necessary to pass a resolution excluding the press and public
12Any Other Business in Part 2 of the agenda
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