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Meetings for Swinton Community Committee

DateTuesday 10 June 2003
LocationCommittee Room 4 , Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road,Swinton
Item Subject
1Election of Chairman During 2002/03 a Community Representative - Norman Shacklady - was Chairman of the Committee. Mr. Shacklady has confirmed that he is willing to continue as Chair.
2Election Of Deputy Chairman During 2002/03 the former Link Member - Councillor Eric Burgoyne - was Deputy Chairman. Councillor Daniels has been selected as Link Member for 2003/04.
3Membership of the Committee Since the last meeting Councillor B.J. Lea has replaced Councillor Eric Burgoyne as a member of this Committee and David Bates and Barry C Wilde of , respectively, the Moorside Cricket Club and Swinton's Open Space Community Association have joined the Committee
4Dates of meetings If the past pattern of meetings is followed the Committee will meet at 7 p.m., on the following Tuesdays:-
5Apologies for absence Apologies have been submitted by the Area Co-ordinator and Nichola Ramsden.
6Minutes the meeting held on 8th April,2003.
Mins of 8/4/03
Appendix ( Grants )
7Matters Arising
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8Panel for Young Offenders Helen James, of the Youth Offending Team, will attend to report on a new system for dealing with young offenders aged 10 - 17 years old. Referral Orders are imposed upon guilty offenders who are then interviewed by a Panel - comprising local residents - who determine actions he/she should undertake . Details of the new system are enclosed and Members are asked to consider taking part in the Panel.
9The Green Directory - The Budget Sub Group ( see enclosed schedule) deferred consideration of an application (reference number 3 ) for environmental works to areas on the Valley estate, which are no longer maintained by the Council . So as to help the Committee establish an objective approach to dealing with such matters officers of the Environmental Services Directorate will attend to report on :
10LIFT Project : Update
11Community Bonifires -The Salford Firework and Bonfire Initiative are exploring the potential to provide local events to reduce the demand for informal bonfires and their associated problems.Community representatives are asked to consider whether they would be willing to take part in organising such a bonfire.
12Citywide Gardening Competition -During July/August a citywide Gardening Competition will be judged. The Committee has been invited to put forward two representatives to take part in this judging.
13Budget Sub Group : The Committee is asked to consider the recommendations of the Budget Sub-Group held on 27th May, 2003. and The Committee is asked to re-appoint the Budget Sub-Group. In 2002/03 the following were appointed and it should be noted that the Councillor marked * is no longer a Member of the Committee : Pendlebury Ward : *Councillor Eric Burgoyne and Pam Anderson, Swinton North Ward : Councillor Dawson and Norman Shacklady and Swinton South Ward : Councillor Daniels and Mrs. Gray
Budget Sub 270503
14For Information - Swinton Childrens' Information Day : Between 10.30am and 5pm on Thursday,12th June,2003, a series of events will be held on the lawns of the Salford Civic Centre on Chorley Road. These are intended to raise the awareness of children/ parents/ carers of the activities which are taking place in the area. There will be 16 stalls from organisations such as Bernados and the Youth Service and a small marquee providing fitness testing , arts and crafts and other activity sessions and a display of the Toy Library at the Swinton Families
15AOB :> Community Representatives may raise issues of concern to their area orWard Councillor may raise any item not already covered.
16Date of Next meeting :7 p.m., on Tuesday, 12th August, 2003.
17CAP :An updated version of the CAP will be circulated with the minutes of this meeting . Members are asked to put forward any suggestions for further updates. Accuracy in this document is important as it: > provides a basis for assessing applications for grant-aid. and sets standards which Directors must try and achieve in the Swinton area.
Contact officer Dave Cunningham
Title Senior Committee Administrator
Telephone (0161) 793 3008
Fax (0161) 793 3160
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