CO2 emissions in Salford

CO2 emissions in Salford

Local authority (LA) CO2 emissions estimates 2008 to 2018 (kt CO2) - within the scope of the LA

Year Industry and commercial Domestic Transport Total Population ('000s) Per Capita emissions (tonnes)
2008 543.8 526.5 320.7 1,391.0 226.8 6.1
2009 459.1 481.7 312.2 1,253.0 228.9 5.5
2010 509.3 509.6 307.3 1,326.2 231.8 5.7
2011 430.0 448.1 299.8 1,177.9 234.5 5.0
2012 487.7 479.2 292.0 1,258.9 236.9 5.3
2013 461.0 466.7 285.4 1,213.2 238.7 5.1
2014 382.6 392.3 284.6 1,059.5 241.5 4.4
2015 353.2 375.0 284.2 1,012.3 245.2 4.1
2016 317.9 356.2 283.0 957.2 248.1 3.9
2017 286.9 338.5 274.9 900.3 251.3 3.6
2018 309.6 335.0 269.7 914.2 254.4 3.6

Since 2008 emissions have reduced by 41% in Salford which is the third biggest reduction in Greater Manchester

Emissions in Salford are declining and are now nearly half of what they were ten years ago. There is still a long way to go to reach our target of being carbon neutral by 2038.

Find out more about what the council has been doing to reduce emissions.

Breakdown of CO2 emissions by sector (2018 latest figures)

Pie chart showing breakdown of emissions for industry (34%), domestic (37%) and transport (30%)

Sector CO2 emissions in kilotonnes Percentage
Industry 309.6 33.9
Domestic 335.0 36.6
Transport 269.7 29.5
Total 914.2  

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