Decisions of the council

The council has adopted a constitution in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000.

In accordance with regulations and the constitution, the council publishes decisions taken by the City Mayor, Deputy City Mayors, Lead Members and Officers:

Officer decisions are not subject to call-in, however during the period of five working days from the publication of a decision taken by the City Mayor, Deputy City Mayors or a Lead Member, a request to 'call-in' a decision may be made by either:

  • If it is within the remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, the decision may be called in, if the chair of the board, any two members of the board or any three members of the council submit a notice in writing to the monitoring officer, within the five day period giving reasons why the decision should be scrutinised.
  • If it is within the remit of one of the scrutiny panels, the decision may be called in, if the chair of the panel, any two members of the panel or any three members of the council submit a notice in writing to the monitoring officer, within the five day period giving reasons why the decision should be scrutinised.

Requests for call-in are only used in exceptional circumstances and if a decision is not called-in, it becomes effective at 4pm on the fifth working day following publication. A call-in form is available to download.

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Who to contact

Democratic Services
Corporate Business
Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5DA
Map to this location
0161 793 3318

This page was last updated on 9 August 2017

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