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Sign in or register for an accountThe Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is an independent and impartial non-departmental public body, which is responsible for reviewing Parliamentary constituency boundaries in England.
The 2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies was formally launched in January 2021. The Commission was required to ensure that the number of electors in each constituency is more equal; constituencies must comprise of between 69,724 to 77,062 electors, and that wards represent local communities as best as possible.
The Commission undertook an independent review of all constituency boundaries in England and published proposals for public consultation. Following feedback, it published revised proposals for further consultation before presenting its final recommendations to Parliament in summer 2023. The final report can be downloaded from the bottom of this webpage.
The proposals for Salford means that the city continues with two constituencies (Salford constituency and Worsley and Eccles constituency), although the ward make up differs from the previous ones. This is outlined below.
The Worsley and Eccles constituency also includes districts from Wigan Borough’s Astley Mosley Common area that form part of Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council.
There are also four Salford wards which fall under two other local authorities, only for the purpose of parliamentary constituencies.
This brings the total parliamentary constituencies that Salford is part of to four, as opposed to the previous three.
These boundary changes only relate to parliamentary constituencies, the area an MP is elected to represent in Parliament. They don’t affect local authority boundaries so services such as bin collections remain the same and residents in these four wards continue to pay council tax to Salford City Council.
Maps of the four proposed constituencies that cover the Salford City Council area (two Salford constituencies, one Bolton and one Bury constituency) which are now confirmed can be accessed via the downloadable PDF documents below.
Prior to the 2023 consultation, there were three MPs representing Salford areas. These comprised of:
The 2023 Review of Parliamentary constituency boundaries in England, Volume 1 – Report
View the proposals for the North West region which are now implemented.
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This page was last updated on 15 July 2024