2014 to 2015 budget information

This page provides links to downloadable documents that give both detailed and summarised information relating to the formulation of the approved council budget for 2014 to 2015.

Budget report 2014 to 2015

This gives details of the budget agreed by council on Wednesday 26 February 2014. It provides information on the specific proposals for the 2014 to 2015 revenue budget and council tax including the details of the savings totalling £26.7 million required to balance our budget.

Council tax leaflet budget information 2014 to 2015

This gives a less technical financial summary of our 2014 to 2015 revenue budget. It explains where the money comes from including changes in government funding, where it will be spent, how this affects what council tax you pay and what monies we pay to fund services provided by other bodies.

Precepts and levies 2014 to 2015

This includes a copy of the leaflets produced by the precepting and levying bodies which provide a statement of their charges for 2014 to 2015 and how they impact on the council tax you pay. It provides a brief overview of their budget, showing what money they spend and where it comes from.

Budget book schedules 2014 to 2015

This gives details of the budget for each service group of the council and an analysis both objectively for schools, libraries, highways maintenance etc and subjectively for employees, premises, supplies and services, etc.

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