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Performing the contract

Once a tender exercise has been concluded the successful company will be informed.

All unsuccessful tenderers will also be informed and they will be provided with an opportunity to receive feedback on why their submission was unsuccessful.

In most tenders there will be ten day standstill period (which gives the opportunity to challenge an award) before the contract is formally signed and agreed.

Before commencement of the contract there will usually be a transitional period whereby arrangements are put in place to enable the contract to start smoothly. If a supplier is taking over a service from another provider there is likely to be a transfer of staff as Transfer of Undertakings Regulations (TUPE) applies.

Once the contract starts the council will want to make sure providers meet targets and standards contained within the specification and terms and conditions.


In respect of the quality of the service, this is likely to include:

  • measurement against key performance indicators
  • assessment of complaints/commendations
  • client and user satisfaction
  • service outcomes
  • minimising the council against exposure to risk
  • compliance with council policy and legislation
  • annual surveys


Financial monitoring will also be very important and suppliers can expect to have to provide evidence of value for money and cost effectiveness. Regular reviews will usually be a feature of any Salford contract particularly where the continued ability to fund the contract may be in doubt. Expenditure that is dependent on central government funding can be especially vulnerable and suppliers should note that guarantees about future years funding can rarely be provided.

The council's clients will not only be under pressure to avoid any overspend but they will also be required to contribute to service efficiencies and reduce cost.

The council makes every effort to settle invoices within 30 days of receipt (providing performance is satisfactory).


The responsiveness demanded by a contract can be a critical feature particularly where users are dependent on a service e.g. meals on wheels. Salford's commissioners will undertake periodic and random assessments of a provider's timeliness in delivering services or goods.

Continuous improvement of services

As a provider gradually familiarises themselves with the nature of service they will be expected to develop:

  • proposals to improve the service
  • become proactive rather than reactive
  • look to improve the service user experience


In the event of any disputes between the council and a provider, the terms and conditions will define the procedure for settling the disagreement. Every effort should be made to avoid disputes but sanctions couldĀ be applied for any under or non performance.

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