Pupils’ parking plea to parents

Pupils at a Salford primary school have put pen to paper to plead with parents to park safely away from the school gates or stop bringing cars to school altogether.

Children at Grosvenor Road primary school, Parkgate Drive, Swinton, held a competition to design road safety and clean air posters.

Now the winning five have been made into signs to be displayed at the school’s two entrances to ask parents to consider walking or cycling to school and think about where and how they park if they have to use a car.

Head teacher Mr Lee Pridden said: “We have been concerned about the poor parking around Grosvenor Road Primary School for a considerable time. We have requested on many occasions that parents park well away from our school, parking respectfully and with consideration to our neighbours and pedestrians. It’s disappointing that some parents continue to ignore this request.”

Councillor Mike McCusker lead member for planning, transport and sustainable development, said: “It’s a shame that children even have to ask but inconsiderate parking is an issue for schools right across the country.

“We’re sending out patrols and using mobile CCTV cameras to tackle hotspots, but it’s down to adults to be responsible. If they can avoid bringing the car to school so much the better.”

Councillor Jim Cammell, lead member for children’s and young people’s services said: “Walking with children to and from school is a great way to spend time with them and build more exercise into your day, which is great for wellbeing, as well as reducing pollution locally. I hope the posters encourage more walking, cycling or scooting to school, making use of the nearby Swinton Greenway and other traffic free routes, as well as tackling irresponsible parking.”

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Date published
Tuesday 25 July 2023

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