Salford men invited to take part in Men in Mind survey to help shape mental health support

Men in Salford are being asked about their mental health by the newly created Salford Men’s Mental Health Commission.

The commission is made up of local men, and has been facilitated by Healthwatch Salford and funded by Salford City Council. The commission will ask men across the city for their views on their state of mind, the support currently available, and how that support might be improved to meet their needs.

Men from a wide range of backgrounds were invited to take part in the first stage of the commission in June. The group have codesigned an engagement project, called Men in Mind Salford.

They have created and will run a survey asking men in Salford for their views on mental health priorities, local services, and support networks; gathering information that they will help analyse to create a report with recommendations for NHS, council services, and voluntary groups. This information is being gathered through surveys, stories, and focus groups, which are open to any man over the age of 18, living in Salford.

Sam Cook, Chief Officer at Healthwatch Salford said “The commission needs to hear the views from Salford men. This is a great opportunity for men to anonymously share what things they do to help them stay mentally well as well as those things that cause stress and low moods. We know more can be done to help men stay mentally well, but in order to work out what that is, we need to hear from men.

“It’s also important the commission hears from the partners of Salford men. Please do get in touch to arrange a confidential chat.”

Executive Support Member for Culture, Communications and Strategic Priorities, Councillor Hannah Robinson Smith said: “We need this survey and the commission to really get to grips with how we can help men feel mentally well. Poor mental health can have such a huge impact on people’s lives, and the group have coproduced this project to ensure it really speaks to their own experience and understanding of the sector, and the questions they feel are best to ask.

“We know many men don’t seek help, and may be struggling to cope as a result. We want to hear their views and the views of the partners of Salford men, on the issues faced and what help they need. We want to find out how to improve understanding and support available and make a real difference to men’s lives here in Salford.”

How can you get involved?

Complete our survey

  • Complete the survey online
  • Call to give us your answers on: 0161 960 0316
  • Pick up a paper survey from your local Salford library and post it back to us for free.

Survey closes: 29 October 2023

Attend one of our focus groups

Look out for the focus groups we will be hosting at some workplaces and community groups across Salford, and join us to give your feedback. 

If you would like us to come along to your workplace or community group to run a session, please make contact with: or call on 0161 960 0316.

If you are a partner of a Salford man

We want to hear from you too about what it’s like trying to support your male partners. Please email: or call on 0161 960 0316 to arrange a friendly confidential chat.

Share our survey and communications

Follow us on social media to help spread the word about the project and survey: Twitter/Facebook/Instagram

Feedback in British Sign Language (BSL)

Send us a WhatsApp message to: 07410 411558 if you would like to arrange a conversation in BSL about this project.

Feedback in other languages or formats

Contact us by email: or call us on 0161 960 0316 if you would like the survey in another language or format.

To learn more about this project and other ways you can get involved, please visit the Healthwatch Salford website or call 0161 960 0316.

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Date published
Tuesday 26 September 2023

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