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Flood information

Floodline Warnings Direct

This is a free service that gives you advance warning of flooding in your area. The warning is issued as an automated message that can be received by text, email and phone. You can find out more information or sign up for this free service by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or Typetalk 0345 602 6340 for the hard of hearing.

Sign up online for flood warnings

In the event of a flood, check the council's X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook pages for the latest information and advice.

A flood in your home may be caused by various sources

  • Burst water pipes
  • Flooding during heavy storms causing overloading of sewers or drains
  • Overland flooding due to high water table or more likely due to overloaded rivers and streams
  • Flooding due to failure of tanks and reservoirs is unlikely

Flood warnings

If you live in a flood risk area, the Environment Agency may have issued you with flooding guidelines. These are the stages of flood warnings as issued by the agency:

  1. Flood Alert: flooding is possible, be prepared
  2. Flood Warning: flooding is expected, immediate action required
  3. Severe Flood Warning: severe flooding, danger to life
  4. All clear: an all clear will be issued when flood watches or warnings are no longer in force. Flood water levels receding. Check all is safe to return. Seek advice.

Prepare for flooding

Government advice on how to prepare for flooding.

Information packs are also available for residents who live in flood risk areas to prepare.

What to do after a flood


If you have insurance it is likely a loss adjuster will want to come to your property to look at the damage. Do not throw items out until this has been done unless advised to by your insurance company. It is always useful to take photos of the damage as

  • If you do not have insurance it is still important to keep a record of the damage in case other funds become available you can apply for - this is not guaranteed.
  • If you are in a rented property contact your landlord as soon as possible as they will need to contact their insurance company.

Clean up

  • Flood water contains chemicals and sewage. Make sure that you wear protective clothing (wellington boots, gloves and waterproofs) at all times when cleaning up, even after the water has subsided.
  • Clean and disinfect using household products. Use a garden hose rather than a pressure washer (these spray contaminants into the air).
  • Wash your hands regularly with clean water and soap. If there is no clean water, use wet wipes or hand sanitising gel.
  • Clean work surfaces before and after preparing food.
  • If you didn’t manage to switch off the electricity get a qualified electrician to check before you begin cleaning up. Do not touch electrical items when standing in flood water. If you live in a rented home then contact your landlord.
  • Get any gas appliances checked by a professional before use. If you live in a rented home then contact your landlord.
  • Your property will need to dry out which can take months. Pumps can be hired to remove water and dehumidifiers and fans can help speed up the process. Your insurance company or landlord may provide these.
  • If you use a generator keep it outside as they produce carbon monoxide which can kill.

Health advice

If you feel unwell contact your GP and let them know that your home has been flooded.

  • Any areas of mould should be treated with a fungicidal product.
  • Do not eat food that has been in contact with flood water.
  • If you feel unwell, contact your GP or call NHS 111 and let them know your home has been flooded.

Useful resources

Useful X accounts

These organisations will also share information on Facebook but please note that you do not need to have a Twitter account to view tweets.

The information on this page is also available as a printed reference leaflet, called Flooding Advice for Householders. If you would like a copy please email

Downloadable documents

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

This page was last updated on 21 December 2021

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