Benefit sanctions and work conditions

This workshop provides tips and tactics for supporting vulnerable working age people to meet their work requirements and avoid the risk of benefits being stopped or substantially reduced.

Workshop content

  • Understanding Work requirements for JSA, Universal Credit and Employment and Support Allowance
  • What is a claimant commitment and what can be done to ensure it is reasonable?
  • What will cause a sanction?
  • How much is benefit cut by and for how long
  • How to prevent housing benefit stopping
  • How to challenge a sanction
  • How to identify potential discrimination claims under the Equality Act
  • How to get hardship payments and other emergency support

What participants said on previous workshops

  • "Excellent. I now have greater awareness of how to advise where a customer is sanctioned and what to do to fight this."
  • "Being a family support worker, I found it all really helpful."
  • "I am now more confident to advise people how to avoid sanctions and appeal more decisions."

We will be running our next programme of welfare reform workshops from January 2019. If you would like one of the workshops or a bespoke workshop for your team then please contact for details.

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