Sign in to access your Salford customer account, or see our other accounts.
Sign in or register for an accountAs the waste you produce from your business is classed as commercial waste, you need to pay for a commercial waste collection service from your home.
It is illegal to dispose of commercial or business waste at any household waste recycling centres. Household waste recycling centres are for residents only, to dispose of their household waste.
Salford City Council can provide a commercial waste collection service for a fee.
If you are running a business from home you will need to use a registered waste carrier for the legal removal of your commercial waste. You can put your domestic waste into a commercial bin but cannot put any commercial waste into the domestic waste stream.
Salford City Council are a registered waste carrier and we can offer you a three weekly collection of a green commercial waste bin alongside your black domestic bin. See our containers and charges page for details of either bin A or B which you can have as a second bin for your commercial waste from home, charges will be for 17 weeks collections per year. You will need to complete and return a contract to arrange these collections and for us to get a bin delivered to you.
You can choose to pay this invoice by monthly Direct Debit payments, the option is on the contract document and a Direct Debit mandate form will be emailed over along with a contract document if requested.
The duty of care is a law under section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act which covers all waste produced from every business premises. This is an exhaustive piece of legislation. For more information, see our duty of care page or use our contact form.
Under section 34(5) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, you are obliged to hold a valid waste transfer note from your current waste collection contractor. Also, under section 35(6) or section 34A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, officers from Salford City Council have the power to ask for sight of this document. Failure to produce a valid waste transfer note will result in the issue of a fixed penalty notice which asks you to produce this document within 14 days or face a fine of up to £300.
Further action may be taken if the original document is not produced within this period, which may result in a summons. Under sections 46/47/47ZA/47Z of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, you are also liable for prosecution for failure to comply with a waste receptacles notice, which covers inadequate commercial bins, excess rubbish and bin lids not being secure.
Further information on managing business and commercial waste is available from GOV.UK.