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Email disclaimer

Email messages sent from users of this council's email systems have a legal disclaimer statement appended automatically. The disclaimer statement includes a hyperlink to this web page.

Any opinions expressed in the email message you have received are those of the individual and not necessarily of Salford City Council or other organisations which are hosted on Salford's mail servers. The email message (and any files attached with it) should  be regarded as confidential information.

If you are not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for delivering the message content to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any onward transmission is strictly prohibited and should be deleted immediately, including any backups and temporary files.

If you have received this email in error please notify the city council's IT Help Desk (see bottom of this page).

We automatically monitor all inbound/outbound emails for domains it hosts for viruses, profanity, offensive language, racist, sexual comments, virus hoaxes, chain-mail and known spam mailers.

Salford City Council reserves the right to intercept, store, archive, delete, or view such emails for security/audit purposes and where necessary instigate appropriate proceedings against the parties involved.

Emails sent to and from the city council's email systems and domains hosted thereof may be stored on discs/archive storage in accordance with Salford's backup/archiving policy.

The city council virus scans all inbound and outbound emails (plus any attachments) but does NOT guarantee such messages to be virus-free. The onus is on the receiving recipients to check they are virus-free.

Salford City Council accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by receiving emails from our email systems and/or hosted domains.

Who to contact

IT Help Desk
0161 793 3993
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