
If you have trouble with having a bath, shower or wash, you can contact Disabled Living.

Disabled Living occupational therapists can assess you if you want more detailed advice.

Living made easy offers equipment information to help you shower, wash and bath safely. 


Buy bathing and showering aids from high street stores, online or catalogues. Useful items include: 

  • non-slip mats
  • bath seats
  • grab rails
  • long handled scrubbers
  • shower and bath stools

Making small changes

Stay safe and independent at home by changing how you do things. For example:

  • showers are usually safer than baths
  • use non-slip mats on the bathroom floor and in the bath
  • run the bath and check the temperature before getting in
  • make sure that everything you need is close at hand 
  • remove the plug and let the water drain before you get out of the bath
  • make sure you have good lighting 

If you are very worried, think about keeping the bathroom door unlocked and only having a bath when someone else is in the house.

What Adult Social Care can do

If you want more advice or you feel that you need more support, contact Adult Social Care which can assess your situation and discuss with you the type of support you need. 

Adult social care is now provided by Northern Care Alliance

Washing and keeping clean

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