Safeguarding adults

Report abuse or neglect by completing our form below.

Report a safeguarding concern form

If you have any problems with the online form, please call 0161 206 0604.

In an emergency call the police or ambulance 999.

Are you being abused?

  • deliberately misunderstood, shouted at - psychological abuse
  • hit, pinched, handled roughly - physical abuse
  • touched where you do not want to be touched - sexual abuse
  • ignored, left in soiled or wet clothing - neglect

Are you having

  • your money stolen, your pension cashed and bills not paid? - financial abuse

Nobody should do any of these things to you. Even people who are supporting or caring for you.

Vulnerable to radicalisation

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a person who may be vulnerable to radicalisation or being drawn into terrorism please complete the Prevent form.

Adult social care is now provided by Northern Care Alliance

This page was last updated on 14 June 2024

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