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Integrated commissioning

Many people need health care and social care services at the same time, so it is important that the council plans services with the NHS. Our key partners in the NHS are

We develop high quality services for Salford people by collecting information from:

  • the local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which includes detailed information on Salford's population and what health and social care needs they are likely to have in the future.
  • service users and carers who have day-to-day experience of services and can tell us what works well, what works less well and where there are gaps in the services available. Development groups are one way that service users and carers have a voice.
  • monitoring and evaluating existing contracts, so that we can see which services are working well - to help people live healthier, more independent lives.

Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund

In December 2021 the government published a white paper People at the Heart of Care, that outlined a 10-year vision for adult social care. To support with this the government implemented the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund. The fund was announced on 16 December 2021. The primary purpose of the fund is to support local authorities to prepare their markets for reform, and to support local authorities to move towards paying providers a fair cost of care. More information about the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund can be found here: Market sustainability and fair cost of care fund 2022 to 2023: guidance.

As a condition of receiving funding from the Market Sustainability and Fair Cost of Care Fund, local authorities were required to carry out a Fair Cost of Care Exercise with their 65+ care home and 18+ home care market and publish a ‘cost of care’ report.

The following reports can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

  • Annex B: Cost of Care Report Homecare 18+ (Salford City Council)
  • Annex B: Cost of Care Report 65+ Care Homes (Salford City Council)
  • Annex C: final market sustainability plan (Salford City Council)

Commissioning strategies

Plans that the integrated commissioning team develop.

Market Position Statement

This describes the overall health and social care needs of Salford people. A copy is available at the bottom of this page.

Commissioning strategies go to the Integrated Commissioning Board for agreement.

We then arrange to purchase the services either from the voluntary and community sector, the independent sector or to use services already provided by the council. Examples of the kinds of services commissioned are:

  • Residential care
  • Domiciliary care
  • Equipment such as bathing aids and telecare
  • Advocacy support
  • Information and advice

The key aims for integrated commissioning are:

  • To develop a diverse range of high quality social care and provision for vulnerable adults
  • To ensure that vulnerable adults can access support and information to help them manage their care needs and exercise choice and control over the services they receive
  • To ensure that services commissioned support rehabilitation and recovery so that adults and their carers are less dependent on intensive services
  • To ensure that people who use social care and their carers are satisfied with their experience of care
  • To ensure that services commissioned reflect good practice and are efficient and effective

This page was last updated on 10 October 2024

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