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Home security

Salford City Council's Housing Crime Reduction team helps residents to feel secure in their homes. They give advice on crime prevention, provide security packages and carry out neighbourhood security schemes.

Individual packages

Assistance is given to repeat burglary victims referred to us by Greater Manchester Police, providing security packages to those considered most vulnerable. These packages include door and window locks, door viewers and chains, window grilles, burglar alarms and security lights.

Neighbourhood schemes

We continue to carry out large home security projects around the city, including fencing schemes, street lighting and environmental works, like cutting back hedges and cleaning graffiti.

Alley gating is one of our most successful initiatives. Installing gates to restrict access to residents only, has proved to be an extremely successful way of reducing both crime and fear of crime.

Further advice

Greater Manchester Police also provide lots of useful advice on crime prevention issues.

Or you can contact Greater Manchester Police crime reduction advisors on 0161 856 5254 or contact us on 0161 686 5850.

Home maintenance and improvements

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