Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy 2022 to 2025

The Domestic Abuse Bill received royal ascent on 29 April. The Act has placed a statutory duty on tier one local authorities including Salford to provide support to victims of domestic abuse and their children within refuges and other safe accommodation. Local authorities are required by the Government’s Department for Leveling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to undertake a 'Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment' and develop a  'Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy'

This strategy sets out how Salford City Council will respond to its statutory duty to provide support to victim survivors of domestic abuse and their children in safe accommodation. The strategy has been informed by the safe accommodation needs assessment (October 2021) and the voices of those with lived experience of services.

The Salford vision

Our vision is to lead a co-ordinated effort to ensure:

  • Inclusive, quality, affordable, and appropriate safe accommodation support is available to all victims of domestic abuse including their children irrespective of their needs and background
  • Domestic abuse is prevented and identified earlier so that there is less reliance on crisis accommodation, as part of the overarching Salford Community Safety Strategy 2020–23 and Tackling Domestic Abuse Board Action Plan

Our strategic priorities

  • Strategic priority 1: Early intervention and prevention
  • Strategic priority 2: Accessible services
  • Strategic priority 3: Appropriate safe accommodation
  • Strategic priority 4: Support to return home or move on

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Strategies, policies and partnerships

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