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Demonstrations and parades

Sometimes, in special circumstances roads are closed to allow sporting events or parades to take place.

When special events require the road to be closed off to general traffic a temporary road closure will be required. Such closures require a traffic regulation order. All cost involved for both the closure and diversion signing will have to be borne by the event organiser. At least six weeks notice is required and for some events up to three months will be needed in order to organise them properly. Large events may require even longer notice.

Usually roads which are closed for sporting events can only be closed once a year without the consent of the Secretary of State.

Demonstrations cannot be dealt with by the council and for these events the police must be contacted so that they can make the appropriate arrangements.

Who to contact

Traffic Management
Technical Services
Salford Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5AS
Map to this location
0161 779 4915
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