Publication Local Plan, Chapter 26: Minerals and waste


26.1 A Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan Document [1] has been produced, which provides the main development plan framework for minerals developments. It identifies the sub-regional aggregate apportionment, designates areas of search and minerals safeguarding areas, and includes policies for determining planning applications.

Waste facilities

26.2 The Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document [2] provides the main development plan framework for waste-related developments. It identifies the future waste management requirements for the conurbation together with site allocations, area designations, and policies for determining planning applications for waste management facilities.

Development and waste

26.3 Development often results in the production of a significant quantity of waste during demolition, construction and for the duration of its use. Effective waste management is therefore essential, helping to ensure that developments function properly, recycling opportunities are maximised and non-renewable resources are used as efficiently as possible, reducing pressures on the environment.

26.4 All new development and conversions to residential, commercial and any other uses are required to make provision for appropriate external storage of waste, recycling and collection facilities. This is key to ensuring all people in Salford, whether they are residents, work in the city or are visiting can play their part in creating a more sustainable city.

26.5 The council’s policy document on the provision of waste and recycling collection and storage facilities [3] sets out further guidance.

Policy WM1 Waste and development

Development shall:

  1. Have regard to the need to minimise, re-use and recycle waste generated during the demolition and/or construction phase
  2. Make provision for waste storage and collection, including separate storage of waste that can be recycled, and where appropriate waste that is compostable
  3. Utilise high quality design solutions to minimise any adverse visual impact of waste facilities on site


Indicator Baseline position Target
Planning applications accompanied by information setting out how waste will be managed Not available All relevant  major planning applications


[1] Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (2013) Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan Document

[2] Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (2012) Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan Document

[3] Salford City Council (August 2019) Policy document on the provision of waste and recycling collection and storage facilities

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