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Sustainability and Innovations Group

Recycling machinery

The aim of the Sustainability and Innovations Group is to give confidence to stakeholders that consistent, high quality recycled materials are available for use in the highways of Salford. The group is also here to advise and promote all innovation throughout the industry.

The Sustainability and Innovations Group has been formed to provide a consistent process for material suppliers to produce and seek acceptance of:

  1. Alternative reinstatement materials and alternative technologies as laid out in Appendix A9 of the Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways 2020 4th Edition.
  2. Materials produced using recycled aggregates to the Specification for Highways Works 800 Series.

The aims and objectives of these pages and the group is as follows:

  • To enable material suppliers to demonstrate that consistent quality assured recycled products are produced
  • To demonstrate that the recycled products produced by the materials suppliers comply with the relevant specifications
  • To provide confidence and transparency to end users in order to facilitate the uptake of recycled materials and promote sustainability in the local area

The group, by achieving the aims and objectives stated above, will assist in stakeholders demonstrating their commitment towards environmental aims and policies by:

  • Minimising their reliance on primary materials
  • Reducing the volume of materials taken to waste sites
  • Reducing their carbon emissions

Any suppliers who have a recycled material that they wish to be considered to be published on our approved materials list should email

The steps for acceptance onto the Salford City Council Sustainability and Innovations Group web pages are outlined in the guidance note for suppliers.

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