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Chapel Street/Victoria Bridge Street

Salford City Council proposes the following orders under Sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The orders, which are introduced on an experimental basis for a period of up to 18 months shall come into force no later than seven days from the date of this notice and are as follows:

The orders will introduce the following restrictions: 

Proposed one way traffic on:

Chapel Street 

  • South-westbound traffic lane, from a point 47 metres northeast of the north-easterly projected kerbline of Greengate, to its junction with Victoria Bridge Street. 

Proposed Contra-flow Bus Lane

Chapel Street 

  • North-eastbound traffic lane, from the junction of Victoria Bridge Street, to a point 47 metres northeast of the north-easterly projected kerbline of Greengate.

Prohibition of right turn:

  • From Victoria Bridge Street onto Chapel Street except for buses and cycles.

Existing orders are to be amended so as to be consistent with the proposals. A copy of the Experimental Orders together with the plans and a statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the above order may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday (due to the COVID-19 restrictions, please ensure that the Civic Centre is open before attending). Alternatively, copies of the documentation may be viewed at Unity House, Swinton, Manchester M27 5FJ. The plans will be displayed to the left of the main (and only public) entrance to the building, adjacent to the public car park at the Civic Centre.

If you are unable to attend, a copy of the plan may be requested (without payment) by emailing or writing to the address at the end of this notice. The council will be considering in due course whether the provisions of the orders should be continued in force indefinitely. Within a period of six months from the coming into force of the orders or if the orders are subsequently varied or amended from the coming into force of the variation or modification (whichever is the latter) any person may object to the indefinite continuation of the provisions of the orders.

If you wish to object to the proposed order you should send the grounds of your objection in writing to Fiona Ledden, City Solicitor: PO BOX 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA or email by 27 May 2021 quoting ref GS/OUT1093/856

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This page was last updated on 20 November 2020

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