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Sign in or register for an accountProposed pay and display parking places
Notice is hereby given that Salford City Council proposes to make an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
The proposed order seeks to introduce pay and display parking places, width 1.8 metres from 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday on:
Chorley Road - south west side from a point 15 metres north west from the projected north western kerbline of Stafford Road in a north westerly direction for a distance of 56 metres.
Partington Lane - west side from a point 15 metres south from its junction with the projected southern kerbline of Vicarage Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 20 metres.
No maximum stay: Up to 2.5 hours - £1.50, Over 2.5 hours - £3.50.
The parking charges for use of the pay and display parking places referred to above are set out in the schedule to this notice. The classes of vehicles which may use the pay and display parking places are passenger vehicles, goods vehicles, motorcycles, disabled persons vehicles or invalid carriages. The proposed order includes provision for payment of pay and display parking charges to be made by mobile phone (pay by phone). User instructions will be displayed on street at or near to the pay and display parking places. The payment of pay and display parking charges by pay by phone will incur transaction fee (payable to the council’s service provider). Transaction fee (including VAT per parking period the charge is as follows:
Where the parking charge is paid for a transaction fee of £0.20 will be payable. To extend a parking period (up to the maximum period that vehicles may wait) - £0.10. For a text receipt of the payment of the parking charge (optional) - £0.10. For a text reminder prior to the expiry of the parking period for which parking charge has been paid (optional) - £0.10. For a receipt confirming payment and/or VAT receipts to be sent by email – No charge.
A copy of the proposed order, a plan of the area and statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the order may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Fridays.
If you wish to object to the proposed order you should send the grounds of your objection in writing by 21 July 2017 (quoting ref L/AFOUT1093/457) to:
Liz Treacy
City Solicitor
PO BOX 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA
Alternatively please email
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