Hilton Lane

Notice is hereby given that Salford City Council proposes the make an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the order will be to introduce:

20 mph speed limit 

Hilton Lane

Make the following lengths of Hilton Lane subject to the 20 mph speed limit:

  • from Chapelfield Drive in a northerly direction to Manchester Road East
  • from its junction with Newearth Road for a distance of 349 metres in a north westerly direction. The effect of this extension, along with the existing speed restriction, will be to make the full length of Hilton Lane subject to a 20 mph speed limit. 

Make the full lengths of the following streets subject to the 20 mph speed limit:

  • Bowker Street
  • Bowker Street Access Way
  • Chapelfield Drive
  • Cricketfield Lane
  • Derwent Close
  • Ellesmere Avenue
  • Ellis Crescent
  • Mere Bank Close
  • Prescott Street
  • Primrose Avenue
  • Primrose Bank
  • Stevenson Street
  • Trent Drive
  • Windale

Raised speed cushions 

Hilton Lane

  • One set of Triple Speed Cushions - (75mm in height (+/-15mm), 3.7 metres in length, 1.7 metres in width and 0.7 to 1.2 metres from the kerb line – with shallow approach ramps having gradients no steeper than 1:15 - on Hilton Lane, at a point ten metres south of the southern kerbline of Chapelfield Drive (measured from the midpoint of the speed cushions).
  • As part of the proposal, the road hump and associated kerb build-out adjacent to 33 Hilton Lane will be removed.

A copy of the proposed orders together with a plan and statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the order may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, between 8.30am and 5pm from Monday to Friday.

If you wish to object to the proposed orders you should send the grounds of your objection in writing by 2 March 2018 (quoting ref PSH/OUT1093/1586) to:

Liz Treacy
City Solicitor
PO Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA

Alternatively, email phlegal@manchester.gov.uk.

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