Hulme Street, Upper Wharf Street and Back Hulme Street

Notice is hereby given that the council of the city of Salford proposes to make the:

City of Salford (Hulme Street, Back Hulme Street and Upper Wharf Street) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Amendment) Order 2021 under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

The effect of the proposed order is as follows:

No waiting at any time on:

Hulme Street - south side, from:

  • the western extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in west direction for 22m, to west side of Gaythorn Street
  • 66.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 25.5m
  • the east extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in an east direction for 10m
  • the west extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a west direction for 56m
  • 86.5m of the western extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a west direction for 16m
  • 131m west of the western extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a west then north direction for 28m to Hulme Place.

Hulme Street - north side from:

  • the west extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 23.5m
  • 36.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 18.5m between 1st and 2nd parking bays
  • 68.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 48m, including short access road between 2nd and 3rd parking bays
  • 132m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 10m
  • the western extended kerbline of Massey Street in a west direction to Hulme Place 92m.

Hulme Place:

  • west side from Hulme Street in a north direction to A6 Crescent
  • east side from the southern extended kerline of A6 Crescent, in a south direction for 8m.

Back Hulme Street:

  • both sides from the southern extended kerbline of Hulme Street, in a south direction for 15m
  • west side from the northern extended kerbline of Upper Wharf Street in a north direction for 10m
  • east side from the northern extended kerbline of Upper Wharf Street in a north direction for 31.5m.

Upper Wharf Street:

Both sides from the western extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a west direction for 145m to cul-de sac end.

No waiting Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm on:

Back Hulme Street: 

East side from a point 15m south of the southern extended kerbline of Hulme Street in a south direction for 43m.

Further details

The council of the city of Salford in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3) and 4(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ('the Act'), and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Act and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police for the County of Greater Manchester in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act, hereby makes the following order:


In this order:

(1) 'Disabled Person’s Badge' has the same meaning as in The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000;

'Disabled Person’s Vehicle' means a vehicle lawfully displaying a disabled person’s badge being a vehicle which, immediately before or after any period of waiting allowed by virtue of a provision of a kind required by the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000 to be included in an order under the Act, has been or is to be used for carrying disabled persons as passengers;

'Parking Disc' means a disc, issued by a local authority, 125 millimetres square, coloured blue and capable of showing the quarter hour period during which a period of waiting begins, which has not ceased to be valid.

(2) For the purpose of this order a vehicle shall be regarded as displaying:

  • a Disabled Person’s Badge in the relevant position if:
    • the badge is exhibited on the dashboard or facia of the vehicle, or
    • where the vehicle is not fitted with a dashboard or facia, the badge is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle,

so that the front of the badge is clearly legible from the outside of the vehicle;

  • a Parking Disc in the relevant position if:
    • the disc is exhibited on the dashboard or facia of the vehicle; or             
    • where the vehicle does not have a dashboard or facia, the disc is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle, 

so that, when marked to show the quarter-hour period during which a period of waiting began, that period is clearly legible from the outside of the vehicle.

(3) The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Amendment to the existing orders

The orders specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1 to this order are amended to the extent as specified in Column 2 of Schedule 1 to this order.

No waiting at any time

Save as provided in Article 5 of this order no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a constable in uniform or a civil enforcement officer, cause or permit any vehicle to wait at any time on the lengths of road specified in Schedule 2 to this order.

No waiting Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm

Save as provided in Article 5 of this order no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a constable in uniform or a civil enforcement officer, cause or permit any vehicle to wait between the hours of 8am and 6pm on Monday to Saturday on the lengths of road specified in Schedule 3 to this order.

Exemption from prohibition – general exemptions

Nothing in Articles 3 and 4 of this order shall prevent any person to cause or permit any vehicle to wait on the length of road referred to in that Article for so long as may be necessary to enable:

  • a person to board or alight from the vehicle
  • the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in connection with any of the following operations, namely:
    • building, industrial or demolition operations
    • the removal of any obstruction to traffic
    • the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the said length of road, or
    • the laying, erection, alteration or repair, in or on land adjacent to the said length of road, of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telecommunications apparatus defined in the Telecommunications Act 1984
  • the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in the service of a local authority or a water authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties
  • the vehicle to be used for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in the Postal Services Act 2000
  • the vehicle to take in petrol, oil, water or air from any garage situated on or adjacent to the said length of road
  • the vehicle to wait at or near to any premises situated on or adjacent to the said length of road for so long as such waiting by that vehicle is reasonably necessary in connection with any funeral
  • the vehicle to be used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes, or
  • goods to be loaded on to or unloaded from the vehicle.

Exemption for disabled persons’ vehicles

Nothing in Articles 3 and 4 of this order shall prevent any person to cause or permit a Disabled Person's Vehicle which displays in the relevant position a Disabled Person's Badge, and a Parking Disc (on which the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle, has marked the time at which the period of waiting began) to wait on the length of road referred to in that Article for a period not exceeding 3 hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than 1 hour from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle on the same length of road on the same day).


This order shall come into operation on 25 November 2021 and may be cited as the city of Salford (Hulme Street, Back Hulme Street and Upper Wharf Street) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Amendment) Order 2021.

Schedule 1

Amendment to the existing orders

Column 1

Column 2


Extent of revocation

The city of Salford (Hulme Street) (No Waiting) Order, 1964

In its entirety

The city of Salford (Hulme Street) (No Waiting) Order, 1966

In its entirety

The city of Salford (Hulme Street, Salford, 5 ) (Revocation of No Waiting and Introduction of Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992

In its entirety

The Greater Manchester County (Hulme Street and Gaythorn Street, Salford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (City) Order, 1979

In schedule to the order:

Both sides from its junction with Oldfield Road in a westerly direction to its junction with Gaythorn Street.


Schedule 2

No waiting at any time



Hulme Street

South Side, from the western extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 22m, to west side of Gaythorn Street

Hulme Street

South Side, from a point 66.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 25.5m

Hulme Street

South side from the eastern extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in an easterly direction for 10m

Hulme Street

South side from the western extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a westerly direction for 56m

Hulme Street

South side from a point 86.5m west of the western extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a westerly direction for 16m

Hulme Street

South side from a point 131m west of the western extended kerbline of Back Hulme Street in a westerly then northerly direction for 28m to Hulme Place

Hulme Street

North side from the western extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 23.5m west side of Gaythorn Street

Hulme Street

North side from a point 36.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 18.5m between 1st and 2nd parking bays

Hulme Street

North side from a point 68.5m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 48m, including shore access road between 2nd and 3rd parking bays

Hulme Street

North side from a point 132m west of the extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for a distance of 10m

Hulme Street

North side from the western extended kerbline of Massey Street in a westerly direction to Holme Place 92m

Hulme Place

West side from Hulme Street in a northerly direction to its junction with A6 Crescent

Hulme Place

East side from the southern extended kerline of A6 Crescent, in a southerly direction for 8m

Back Hulme Street

Both sides from the southern extended kerbline of Hulme Street, in a southerly direction for 15m

Back Hulme Street

West side from the Northern extended kerbline of Upper Wharf Street in a northerly direction for 10m

Back Hulme Street

East side from the Northern extended kerbline of Upper Wharf Street in a northerly direction for 31.5m

Upper Wharf Street

Both sides from the western extended kerbline of Oldfield Road, in a westerly direction for 145m to cul-de sac end

Schedule 3

No waiting Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm



Back Hulme Street

East side from a point 15m south of the southern extended kerbline of Hulme Street in a southerly direction for 43m

Statement of reasons

Recent developments in this area, have altered the road layout. Additionally, with the new developments in the area, this has led to a massive increase in parking and resulted in high levels of inconsiderate and obstructive parking. The inconsiderate and obstructive parking is restricting access, not only for service and emergency vehicles, but also for pedestrians and cyclists. It has also been observed that pavement parking is also forcing pedestrians to walk in the highway, especially those with prams, wheelchairs and other mobility impaired pedestrians.

As such a request has been made by Greater Manchester Fire Service for the restrictions in the area to be reviewed and revised restrictions installed, so that service vehicles especially emergency services can gain access to the area.

There have also been requests from local businesses about ever increasing lack of access due to inconsiderate and obstructive parking in the area and expressed concern over damage to business ability to function safety.

As such it has been necessary to review the existing traffic regulation orders, following review we are now proposing to revoke some old orders and introduce new traffic regulation orders. To restore highway safety for all and access for emergency and other services as well as ensuring access for local businesses.

The revised no waiting and limited waiting restrictions will help address inconsiderate and obstructive parking and so that enforcement can be carried out if necessary. Ensuring safety access and egress to the area for all highway users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

Further details can be viewed in the accompanying documents and plans.

How to comment

Existing orders are to be amended to be consistent with the above proposals. A copy of the proposed order together with the plans and a statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the order may be examined at Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 6BP, Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm.

Alternatively write in to the address below or email the council for a copy of the documents placed on deposit. Objections to the proposal must be sent in writing to or c/o Fiona Ledden, City Solicitor PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA, stating the grounds on which they are made, no later than 20 December 2021 (quoting ref: L/AF/OUT1093/963).

John Searle, Strategic Director Place

Dated: 25 November 2021

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