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Irwell Street

Salford City Council proposes to make the following Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The title and effects of the Order is as follows:

City of Salford (Irwell Street, Salford) (Prohibition of Waiting, No Loading/Unloading and Amendment) Order 2023

The Order will introduce the following restrictions:

No Waiting at Any Time on:

Irwell Street

  • Both sides from the junction with southerly projected kerbline of Trinity Way, in a southerly direction to the Manchester City Boundary.

No Loading/Unloading at Any Time on:

Irwell Street

  • Both sides from the junction with the southerly projected kerbline of Trinity Way, in a southerly direction to the northerly projected kerbline of Stanley Street.

City of Salford (Irwell Street and Stanley Street) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2023

The proposed Order shall prohibit any person driving any motor vehicle at a speed exceeding 20mph on:

Irwell Street

  • From the southerly projected kerbline of Trinity Way to the Manchester City Boundary

Stanley Street

  • From the westerly projected kerbline of Irwell Street, in a westerly direction to its cul-de-sac end.

Footway Conversion To A Shared Use Footway / Cycle Track

Notice is hereby given that Salford City Council proposes to convert the following length of existing footway/carriageway to cycle track use under section 66(4) and 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980.The following sections of footway are to be converted to segregated cycle tracks for cyclists under Section 65(1) of the Highway Act 1980:

Irwell Street

  • West Side, from a point 12.6m north of the northerly projected kerbline of Stanley Street, for 46.8m in a northerly then westerly direction with a width of 1.7 metres throughout.

Section 23 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Zebra, Pelican And Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations and General Direction 1997

Proposed Zebra Crossings on Irwell Street, Salford

Notice is hereby given that Salford City Council in exercise of its powers under section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers, proposes to create a new Zebra Crossing at the following location:

Irwell Street

  • West side 49.8 metres north of the northerly projected kerbline of Stanley Street, width of 1.7 metres and a length of 3.7 metres.

The proposed documents may be examined at Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 6BP, Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm. Details can also be viewed online on this page. Alternatively, copies of the documentation may be requested via the email or the postal addresses below.

Any person wishing to object should submit their grounds of objection in writing to:

Fiona Ledden, City Solicitor: PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA or by 28 August 2023, quoting reference STG/OUT1093/1108

John Searle, Executive Director Place, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5DA

Dated: 3 August 2023.

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