Old Clough Lane, Walkden

Highways Act 1980 - Section 90a Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999
Proposed Raised Traffic Calming Features, Old Clough Lane, Walkden South, Salford

Notice is hereby given that Salford City Council proposes to construct Road Humps and Speed Cushions in the lengths of road specified in the Schedule below.


1. Road Humps – 75mm high (+/- 15 mm), 10 metres in length and the full width of the carriageway located: Outside 219/221 Old Clough Lane, 70 metres north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road.

2. Speed Cushions - 75mm high (+/- 15mm), 3.7 metres in length, 1.7m wide and constructed with shallow approach ramps, with gradients no steeper than 1:16.

8 sets of Twin and 1 Triple set of Speed Cushions - The mid point of the speed cushions are located as follows; Old Clough Lane - 134 metres, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580). 224m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580. 315m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580. 408m, nort of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580). 538m, nort of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580). 631m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580). 829m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580). 914m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580) and 1017.5m, north of the northern kerbline of the East Lancashire Road (A580).

If no objections are received, Road Humps and Speed Cushions will be constructed on the lengths of road as detailed in the schedule after 7 June 2018. A copy of a plan of the area and statement of the council's reasons for the proposals may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Objections to proposal must be sent in writing to phlegal@manchester.gov.uk or to the address below, stating grounds on which they are made by 7 June 2018. Please quote reference L/GS/OUT1093/629.


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