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Scholars Avenue And Wordsmith Drive area

Salford City Council proposes to make the following orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

City Of Salford (Eccles Old Road, Scholars Avenue And Wordsmith Drive Salford) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2021

The effect of the order will be to introduce No Waiting at Any Time on:

Eccles Old Road

  • North west side from a point 60 metres south western extended kerbline of Scholars Avenue to western extended kerbline of the Woodside drive in a north easterly direction.
  • South east side from its junction with Edgehill Road to its junction with Woodside Drive.

Scholars Avenue

  • West and north side from its junction with Eccles Old Road for a distance of 65 metres in a north easterly direction.
  • East and south side from its junction with Eccles Old Road for a distance of 60 metres in a north easterly direction.
  • East and south side from a point 70 metres north eastern extended kerbline of an Eccles Old Road to its junction with Wordsmith Drive.
  • Both sides from its Cul-De-Sac end of Scholars Avenue to its cul-de sac end of Prestwood Road.

Wordsmith Drive 

  • South side and turning head from its junction with Scholars Avenue in a north easterly, northerly and south westerly direction for a distance of 86 metres.

Prestwood Road 

  • Both sides from its cul-de-sac end, in a north easterly direction for five metres.

City Of Salford (Scholars Avenue, Wordsmith Drive And Principle Close Salford) (20 mph speed limit) Order 2021

The order shall be to prohibit any person from driving any motor vehicle at a speed exceeding 20 mph on the following roads for their entire length unless otherwise stated:

  • Scholars Avenue
  • Wordsmith Drive
  • Principle Close

A copy of the proposed order, plans and statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the orders and a copy of the order it is proposed to amend may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (due to the COVID-19 restrictions, please ensure that the Civic Centre is open before attending). Alternatively, copies of the documentation may be viewed at Unity House, Swinton, M27 5FJ. The plans will be displayed to the left of the main (and only public) entrance to the building, adjacent to the public car park at the Civic Centre.

If you wish to object to the proposed Order you should send the grounds of your objection in writing to Fiona Ledden, City Solicitor: PO Box 532, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA, or by the 23 July 2021 quoting ref GS/OUT1093/923.

Peter Openshaw, Interim Strategic Director Place, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5DA

Dated: 1 July 2021 

Statement of reasons

The proposals to introduce a 20mph speed limit order are required to improve road safety, particularly for students walking and cycling to the college and all other road users.

Introducing the outlined restrictions will maintain safe access at the junctions and accesses; they will ensure the safe maneuvering of vehicles and improve pedestrian access in the vicinity.

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