Streets in Ordsall and Irwell Riverside

Notice is hereby given that on 5 June 2020 Salford City Council made the above named Order under sections 9 and 10 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 

The effect of the order, which is in effect on an experimental basis for a period of up to 18 months, is to introduce the following provisions:

Prohibition of vehicles (except pedal cycles) - at all times

  • Stevenson Street, from its junction with East Ordsall Lane in a north westerly and northerly direction for a distance of 45 metres;
  • North George Street, from its junction with Cannon Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 40 metres;
  • Frederick Street, from its junction with Nathan Drive in a south westerly direction to its junction with Lamb Lane; and
  • St Stephens Street, from a point 10 metres south of the projected kerbline of Brotherton Drive in a southerly direction for a distance of 2 metres.

The order will come into operation on 19 June 2020. 

A copy of the order together with a plan and statement of the council's reasons for making the order may be inspected at the Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, between 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday inclusive (due to the COVID-19 restrictions, please ensure that the Civic Centre is open before attending). Alternatively, copies of the documentation may be requested via email at or by writing to Fiona Ledden, City Solicitor PO Box 532,Town Hall, Manchester, M60 (Ref: L/PSH/OUT1093/828), for so long as the order is in operation.

The council will be considering in due course whether the provisions of the order should be continued in force indefinitely. Within a period of six months beginning with the day on which the experimental order came into force, or if the order is varied, or amended by another order, or modified pursuant to section 10(2) of the 1984 Act, beginning with the day on which the variation or modification or the latest variation or modification came into force, any person may object to the indefinite continuation of the provisions of the order. 

Any person wishing to object to such indefinite continuation should submit their grounds of objection in writing to or the address below, stating the grounds on which they are made, no later than 19 December 2020. Please quote reference L/PSH/OUT1093/828.

Any person who wishes to question the validity of the order or of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or on the grounds that any requirement of that Act or of any instrument made under it has not been complied with in relation to the order may within six weeks from 5 June 2020 apply to the High Court for such purpose.

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