Salford City Council proposes to make an order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Construct road humps in the lengths of road specified:
Proposed Raised Traffic Calming Features
- Aubrey Street – 5.8 metres west of the extended western kerbline of A5063 Trafford Road.
Road Humps - 75 mm high (+/- 15mm), 11.6 metres in length and the full width of the carriageway, constructed with a shallow approach ramp with gradient no steeper than 1:20. One set of Flat Top Road Humps.
If no objections are received, road humps will be constructed on the lengths of road after 6 February 2020.
Introduce a Parallel Zebra Crossing on the following roads:
Trafford Road, unnamed road linking to Colgate Lane
- The mid-point of the crossing will be located 44.5 metres north from the extended northern kerbline of Colgate Lane. The Parallel Zebra Crossing will be 6.6 metres in width, 3.4 metres in length with zig–zags extending to 11.6 metres west and 8.1 metres east of the mid-point of the crossing.
Introduce Parallel Zebra Crossing on the following roads and cycle tracks:
A5063 Trafford Road on cycle tracks
- The mid-point of the crossing will be located 33.8 metres north from the northern kerbline of Colgate Lane. Zebra Crossing will be 1.65 metres in width, 2.4 metres in length.
- The mid-point of the crossing will be located 39.6 metres north from the extended northern kerbline of Elmira Way. Zebra Crossing will be 1.65 metres in width, 2.4 metres in length.
- The mid-point of the crossing will be located 67.5 metres north from the extended northern kerbline of Archie Street. Zebra Crossing will be 1.65 metres in width, 2.4 metres in length.
- The mid-point of the crossing will be located 115 metres north from the extended northern kerbline of Aubrey Street. Zebra Crossing will be 1.5 metres in width, 2.4 metres in length.
City of Salford (A5063 Trafford Road) (Red Route) Order 2020
Prohibition of stopping at all times on:
- A5063 Trafford Road - Dual carriageway from the Salford boundary at Manchester Ship Canal to the M602/A57/A5063 southern outer ring roundabout.
City of Salford (Aubrey Street Clippers Quay) (One Way Traffic with Contraflow for Cyclists) Order 2020
One Way Traffic with Contraflow for Cyclists on:
- Clippers Quay - between the junction with the A5063 Trafford and Colgate Ln in an easterly and the southerly direction towards Colgate Lane.
- Aubrey Street - from a point 57 metres north west of the western kerbline of the A5063 Trafford Road to the western kerbline of Trafford Road in a south easterly direction towards the A5063 Trafford Road.
City of Salford (Goodiers Drive) (No Entry Except Cyclists) Order 2020
Proposed No Entry on:
- Goodiers Drive - from a point 18 metres east from the eastern extended kerbline of the A5063
- Trafford Road. (For vehicles travelling in a westerly direction only).
City of Salford (A5063 Trafford Road) (Prohibition of Right-Turn) Order 2020
Prohibition of Right-Turn on:
- A5063 Trafford Road - from A5063 Trafford Rd into Colgate Ln.
City of Salford (A5063 Trafford Road) (Prohibition of U-Turn) Order 2020
Prohibition of U-Turns on:
- A5063 Trafford Road - Both carriageways from the Salford boundary at Manchester Ship Canal to M602/A57/A5063 southern outer ring roundabout.
City Of Salford (A5063 Trafford Road, Salford) (Reserved With Flow Cycle Lane) Order 2020
- A5063 Trafford Road - southbound carriageway from a point 16.8 metres north from the extended northern kerbline of Colgate Lane to a point 65.7 metres south of the extended southern kerbline of Colgate Lane.
- Colgate Lane - from a point 12 metres east to its junction with the A5063 Trafford Road.
- The Quays - from a point 36 metres north west from the north western kerbline of Furness Quay for a distance of 21.4 metres in a north westerly direction.
- Trafford Road, unnamed road linking to Colgate Lane - from a point 13.6 metres of the extended western kerbline of the A5063 Trafford Road for a distance of 29.4 metres in a north westerly direction.
A copy of the proposed order together with the plan and a statement of the council's reasons for proposing to make the order may be examined at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5DA, between 9am and 4.30pm from Monday to Friday.
If you wish to object to the proposed order you should send the grounds of your objection in writing by 6 February 2020 (quoting ref GS/OUT1093/794).
PO Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA
Alternatively email
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