Japanese knotweed can be identified using the guide on the Non-Native Species Secretariat website.
It causes problems because it:
On your property, you should aim to control this plant and, to prevent it becoming a problem in your neighbourhood.
Get information about how to control and dispose of Japanese knotweed on GOV.UK.
You must not:
You must stop Japanese knotweed spreading from your land. You could be prosecuted if you allow it to spread onto someone else’s property.
If you are a tenant, contact your housing association or landlord to report Japanese Knotweed.
If you're concerned that Japanese knotweed on your neighbour's land might spread onto your land, try and speak to them, they might not realise there’s an issue.
If the issue is still not sorted out, you could consider taking legal action. See take action through the courts on GOV.UK.
Contact Network Rail if you find Japanese knotweed next to a railway line, embankment or station. Ask them to treat the problem.
If you are concerned about Japanese Knotweed on land in Salford let us know. Where it is on land owned by the council, we will include it in our treatment programme. We do not treat knotweed on land not owned by the council and you will need to contact the relevant land owner. You can find out information on land ownership on the GOV.UK website.
This page was last updated on 15 June 2021